On the other hand, the minimal bliss of “Through the Eyes of Madness” sees a completely abstracted effort. Minimal rhythmic patterns in “Resulting Fragments Splinter Existence” slowly awaken this hallucinatory state. That is where the trio explore additional sonic territory. It is a tour through purgatory, with the harsh vocals spitting malice amidst the electro backdrops.īut, it is the middle part of Ancient Nocturnal Summoning that holds the most promises. It is a state that Corroded Spiral mirror on closer “Forgotten Ether”, this time going for a more infernal approach. The precise and poignant drums minimally explore the rhythm while the effects splatter the background with brilliant coloring, and the vocals slowly narrate stories of fear and darkness. The opener sees this form come into view. This is where Corroded Spiral shines, merging aspects of industrial music and EBM to punishing effect. And here, the trio just roam in the abstracted realm of electronic music. The first specimen from this joining of minds is Ancient Nocturnal Summoning. Here, the two are joined by exciting producer Luis Carban aka Cardopusher, an explorer of the acid and techno scenes, who has collaborated with the likes of iconoclastic producer Arca. There is no denying that original Sepultura drummer Iggor Cavalera and Integrity frontperson Dwid Hellion are figures that pushed extreme music in new and exciting directions. – Antonio Poscic Echoing Chambers Of Soul by CADAVERIC FUMES Echoing Chambers Of Soul by CADAVERIC FUMESĬorroded Spiral – Ancient Nocturnal Summoning (Phantom Limb)Ĭorroded Spiral is the latest collaboration of some very forward-thinking individuals from the extreme music scene. It teeters on the edge between aggressive death metal and doom-death, trading blow-by-blow slow-moving grooves and blast beats, all of them coalescing into a nigh impeccable swansong. The style might be classic, but their sound is fresh and inspired. The seven cuts here show that Cadaveric Fumes have succeeded in their mission by cobbling together an awesome monster from bouts of synthetic dissonance, purring tremolos, frizzling solos, and leads bumbling bass and drum lines, with a sprinkling of diabolical growls to tie them all together. As it turns out, that’s the whole point of it: an album decidedly traditional yet written and played to perfection. In comparison to their adventurous sounding EPs that bridged various non-metal influences, it might come as a surprise how typically death metal Echoing Chambers sounds. In turn, this allowed them the freedom to record whatever they felt like playing. For personal reasons-and the world is a fucked up place in general right now-the four members decided to call it quits ahead of recording this album. While France’s Cadaveric Fumes have been around since 2011 and released several lauded EPs since Echoing Chambers of Soul is their debut full-length album. That and much more for December, so dig in! – Spyros StasisĬadaveric Fumes – Echoing Chambers of Soul (Blood Harvest) Yet, the pinnacle of darkness is reached with the orthodox black metal return of two pivotal forces of the scene in Ofermod and Funeral Mist.
With their hardcore inclinations, Genocide Pact carry on the old traditions, making the likes of Obituary, Autopsy, and Bolt Thrower proud. Cadaveric Fumes sadly unleash their swansong in the retro death metal scene, while Malignant Altar merge the old-school ethos with excellent technical precision and execution.
On the other hand, the darkness of the underground spread even further. At the same time, Kayo Dot continue to traverse their kaleidoscopic multi-genre crossover vision with Moss Grew on the Swords and Plowshares Alike. Corroded Spiral sees Igor Cavalera and Integrity’s Dwid Hellion venture into the realm of electronica, while New Age Doom call upon the spirit of Lee “Scratch” Perry for a trip through the jazz/drone cosmos. The last month of 2021 arrived with an insane combination of experimental and extreme works.